Does Windows 10 Has a Kiosk Mode?
Microsoft’s new operating system, Windows 10, has a new feature that is making it possible for any user with a touch screen or any other sort of input device to use that same device to perform other tasks. The “Kiosk” mode is one of the most exciting new innovations in a system that has already seen major changes from previous operating systems. Before we get into that, let’s take a brief look at what Microsoft has done with this new feature. Then, we can examine whether the new feature is really any good.

To understand how this new innovation works, it helps to first take a look at how kiosk displays work. A kiosk is a display screen that is used by a customer service agent or any other sort of employee who works at a mall, hotel, doctor’s office, airport, etc. These devices are designed not only to display the information that a customer is looking for, but also to act as an interaction device between the customer and the employee. For example, if a person calls in to request a product, the kiosk will ask them point-and-click into their preferred browsing mode and then deliver the requested product. The kiosk can essentially be a virtual kiosk store where people can go to look at any product that is currently available. But the new feature goes much further than that.
By using this kiosk mode on the Windows 10 system, you can get additional functionality out of the operating system itself. This is accomplished by the way in which the operating system interacts with the kiosk. When a Windows 10 user uses their touch-pad or any other sort of input device to point-and-click into the kiosk, the Windows system interprets this as a command to start up a virtual kiosk display. The Windows program then enables any number of applications that are preloaded onto the computer to run on this kiosk. Here, you can load up the same Windows programs that are on your computer, but they are running in a separate window – one that is invisible to other users of the machine.
Imagine this scenario: a business customer calls up the front office of your company. While they’re talking to someone, they get a message from the receptionist informing them that another window in the office is open. The customer gets a similar message when they call again… it’s the kiosk mode. At this point, it’s not so much the window being open, but rather the fact that a second display is open – one that isn’t visible to anyone but the employees who are working in the reception area.
Now, if you had a real PC in the office, instead of using your touch-pad or any other input device, you could simply log on to the computer using a mouse, keyboard, or any other common device that would normally be used to open a window. You could then use the computer like you normally do, just as if there was a kiosk right next to the window. In fact, you could probably do most of the things that you’d normally do with a typical computer, except for accessing the Internet. When you access the Internet, it opens a new instance of Windows, not a kiosk. So technically, the kiosk mode on the computer isn’t really something that Windows 10 has invented – it’s just the new way to boot up the machine.
Fortunately, there are a couple of ways to activate this kiosk mode on your computer. One way is to boot up the machine as you would normally (by pressing the F8 key repeatedly) and then access Windows through the “Internet Explorer” program that’s installed within the” Accessories” application. If you’re on an older version of Windows, this might not work very well at all. With Windows XP however, this will work as long as you’re able to access the Internet, since the default browser is Internet Explorer.
The other method is to use a virtual keyboard to enter certain commands. This may not work in the way intended, since you’re essentially using a computer that has been turned into a web browser. However, since you can easily enter some basic commands like “mail” and “chat,” it may work to access the Internet in this fashion. Again, if you’re on XP, this probably won’t work very well.
Microsoft wants you to think that kiosk mode is something special meant only for Windows 10, but in fact it’s something that’s been available in other OSes for quite some time. It’s just now that Microsoft has added the feature to Windows. It’s just as easy to boot up in this mode as in any other – you just need to boot up into a Windows XP mode from the Windows XP setup CD. And if you have an older computer that doesn’t have this mode pre-installed, you can download the latest virtual keyboard drivers for your computer from the Internet. Once you do this, you can easily access the Internet with a keyboard and mouse.